About Me

So who is Lumos Images?

Lumos Images is me. Aaron Cedeño. That's me, over there, just to the right of your screen. Hi!

The Reader's Digest bio of me reads something like this: I'm 34 years old. I live in Kansas City with my gorgeous wife and our equally gorgeous four-year-old daughter I love it here, because it's home. I come from one big, amazing family, married into another, and thank my lucky stars everyday for every single one of them.

Oh yeah, and I take pictures sometimes! Just kidding. I take pictures a LOT of the time. I'm in the pro-Nikon camp and have been ever since my parents bought me my first DSLR - a Nikon D80 sitting on the shelf next to me as I write this - back in 2007. I started taking pictures, and my passion blossomed. I've worked tirelessly to learn the craft ever since!

I specialize in...well...is everything an option? Think of me as a photographic jack-of-all-trades. Seniors, newborns, weddings, portraits, headshots - I've done it all! And I want to work with you! The main reason I love photography so much is because even though a snap captures just a frozen instant, looking at it can take you back to a whole different time, evoke an entire set of memories, in a way no other artistic medium can. I want to provide you with those crystallized moments, because they are so, so valuable. 

So check us out. Have a look around. And contact me with any questions at all. Seriously. Anything. 

Thanks so much!

